As seen in...

During this class you will learn...

  • How to stop scrolling and fully engage when with your kids, even after a long work day.

  • What it takes to stop working at the time you want, no matter your job.

  • How to calm your mind and end the constant to-do's in your head.

  • How to stop living for the weekend and end the Sunday Scaries.

  • What it takes to end working mom guilt and feel like you spend enough time with your kids, even if you work 40+ hours a week.

  • How to never log on after the kids go to sleep and instead prioritize YOU. 

Meet Your Host!

Rebecca Olson


Rebecca helps career-driven moms end the tug-of-war between work and home.Through a unique combination of mindset, behavioral and researched techniques, she coaches working moms in regaining clarity and confidence so they can love their career and always feel like their family comes first.